Improved the attributes for newly-dropped Rare Armor, Helms, and most Weapons.Increased the number of Unique monsters in each area and difficulty.Randomized the monster populations more thoroughly throughout Act V in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, including the addition of `guest monsters` from other Acts.Cut Experience and reduced drops in the Cow level.Reduced drops from the most-run SuperUnique monsters, ThreshSocket and Pindleskin.Encouraged players to play in more of the Diablo II areas/locations/levels.Increased the Experience penalty for Clvl 70 as follows: Clvl 1 - 69: 100% Experience Clvl 70 - 99: 85% - 0.8% Experience (approximately exponential decaying).This prevents low-level characters from joining a party and then staying completely out of harm`s way while still getting Experience. Reduced the party member Experience sharing to 0 beyond a maximum distance of about 2 screens from the monster death.Increased the rate of occurrence of Unique monsters in Hell difficulty.Reduced the HP of (Act V) Barbarian soldiers in Nightmare and Hell difficulties.Increased the Experience attached to most Act V monsters in Normal, Nightmare, & Hell difficulties.Added randomized (especially ranged-attack) monsters to Nightmare and Hell Act V - e.g., Burning Dead, Imps, etc.Reduced the effectiveness of Experience runs, power-leveling, and leeching.In Nightmare and Hell difficulties monster damages have generally been increased - dramatically in some cases.

This was accomplished by improving monster stats (hp, ac, etc.) and by boosting their AI/behavior in NM and Hell difficulties (that is, by making decisions more often and by simply moving faster).

Monster control/populating/creation is simpler.

Be prepared to execute a hasty Save and Exit, if your situation seems too dangerous.įundamental architecture changes/improvements Players of Hardcore characters should be even more wary when encountering superunique monsters during an active world event.